A place for kindred spirits to gather

Join us for IRL activities in the Greater Portland, Maine area ranging from stand-up paddling
to journaling-ice cream socials!

“It was a really fun evening the sun set was beautiful!!  I love the pics you were very skilled at multi tasking Shiuan.”

“Thank you so much for arranging this, Shiuan, and for sharing the pictures!  (especially for capturing me actually standing up :))  It was so much fun- I had a great time, such a beautiful location, and such wonderful people to share time and experiences with. I look forward to the next adventure-” ~ Karen

WILD Sisters Create

Hi! I’m Shiuan.
I created WILD Sisters Create
to gather women together to
explore new adventures,
find their creativity,
and discover their passions.
What better way than to do it together?

This is a safe space to play, laugh & explore our creativity together.
Hope to see you soon!

Find inspiration and finally make the time to play & create.