but safety first
After we got home, I talked about the incident with my partner, and he mentioned two tips.
1. Do not drive at a constant speed next to a car. In case you are in their blind spot and they don’t see you.
2. When you are riding next to a car, or coming up to a car, look at their side view mirror, and see if they are turning their heads to look or if they are just staring dead straight on. If they’re staring dead straight on then watch out.
I started motorcycle riding for the fun and challenge of it. Now I’m realizing more and more the importance of education — for riders on how to be safe, but also for car drivers how to drive safely WITH 🏍️.
Had a big wake up call riding on the highway home this morning. I was going home, most people were probably commuting to work. Now, I’m a cautious rider already. And I’ve learned from more experienced riders you have to ride defensively. What does that mean? As @motojitsuu says you have to ride like everyone is out there to get you. BE VIGILANTE.
I’m going down the highway on the left lane. About 75mph. My partner is in front of me. That’s the other important thing I’ve learned is that a lot of drivers in cars see one motorcyclist and then assume that’s it — it’s just the one bike. I can pass now - I don’t need to look.
Save a life. Turn your head.
Back to my story. This car starts moving towards my lane, I’m not yet sure if he is definitely coming into my lane. Soon he does cross the line into my lane, no signal, just coming fast into my lane. I back the f— off. I also just got a new secondhand bike, so I couldn’t find the horn right away. Once I’m behind him, I find and get on my horn. Then he swerves very quickly back to the middle lane.
I pass him and look at him — he just stares dead ahead.
OK, we’re all grownups here. We know THERE IS A BLIND SPOT when you’re driving.
When you wear a motorcycle helmet and you’re driving a motorcycle, we know that we need to physically turn our heads completely to the left, and completely to the right to see because of the limitations of the helmet. When you drive a car, there is also a blind spot when someone is right next to you.